O2 – Tag Nix
The Telefónica brand O2 lets the fictional character Ernst offer a Nokia 8110 for over 5,000 euros on the “Ebay Kleinanzeigen” platform - the start of the "Tag NiX" campaign, devised by Serviceplan Bubble and highly celebrated in media.
Client: O2 Germany Agency: Serviceplan Bubble Directed by Felix Julian Koch Cinematographer: Maximilian Hillmer AC: Jan Spatsche Line Producer: Dennis Spangenmacher Sound Engineer: Tim Stephan H&M: Milla De Wet Edit: EF Inhous Colors and Retouch: Dennis Koeppl Sounddesign and Mix – Thomas Suessmair
Awarded with 3 x Bronze at the Art Directors Club.
Awarded with 3 x Bronze at the Art Directors Club.